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Future group Construction Site 2030 visits weisenburger

Today, a Lean event with an external visit from Finland took place at the weisenburger headquarters in Karlsruhe! The event started in the morning with an exciting presentation on the topic of "Production Systems" given by Dr Marco Binninger, the Head of Department for Lean, to our Finnish guests. Following on from this, an external speaker also shared his experience and expertise on lean construction with the audience. With the help of an interactive card game, the Finnish guests and also some weisenburger employees were able to learn about the importance of fixed structures and cycle times in a planning phase. 

The background of the visit is the future group Construction Site 2030, which was formed in Finland and consists of various managing directors, construction companies, suppliers and professors and wants to be inspired by innovations worldwide. 

We were very pleased with the visit and the mutual exchange and would like to sincerely thank all those involved.

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